Refurbished a French Focus trying … We love diving into a game that lets us take real history into wild and unexpected directions. Another #hoi4 #roadto56, this time as Persia - with 2 research slots, 5 total factories (4 civ, 1 mil), no navy, no resources except a bit of oil, civil war in focus tree, and so many penalties I have literally 139 spare manpower (not even enough for one company). To begin with, this mod will allow the game to run longer, up to 1956. I would assume this is because either not all mods are compatible with eachother or you are not playing the right version of the game. Occupy a coastal province in Europe as Mexico, and if in a faction have it contain only South American members or puppets. The following countries are playable in Millennium Dawn: Modern Day Mod. Should I focus on building up the industry first or go for rushing the other sa nations? Upon importing your focus tree, your files will be scheduled for import This should take no longer than 10 minutes. Hearts of iron 4 (HOI4) Road To 56 - Free America #17 Hey peeps! Mod for Philippines. This community forum is a place to ask questions of and share ideas with your fellow Drupal Cloud users.